
Painstaking gardener

Remember wandering in the tall city, stubborn waiting for him, either Shaohua evanescent, see everything vicissitudes, bustling lonely, love has Cream!




Pink Cake and Growing Up

Growing up. It happens to the best of us. Often I feel that there is too much “leaving behind” and “getting older” associated with growing up, and not enough “ripening” and “getting plain ole awesomer!”. It is, undoubtedly, a struggle sometimes, but it can also be one amazing ride. I like to lean towards the awesomer side and do my best to ignore the little creaks and crankiness of the former tube amp.

Besides, growing up doesn’t mean letting go of everything. On the contrary, I believe we shouldn’t let go. There are precious treasures in childhood that will never come again – wonder, curiosity, unbiased-ness, simplicity, the ability to be happy with only a shovel and a mound of sand. I say take them with you – you’ll be happy for their company on this journey. If you’d also like to keep a ratty old pillow that has been smoothed down to an impossible silkiness and whose smell can heal almost any hurt…well marie france bodyline, I promise I won’t tell ;)

And sugar spun confections too…let’s definitely not outgrow those. Layer cakes in whimsical colors, made and sampled right before dinnertime. We all need a bit of whimsy and irrationality in our lives, perhaps even more so when we are all grown.

As time passes, it is not our own growing up that surprises us so and catches us totally unawares, but that of our children. Little C changes so fast that I’m wont to press the slow motion button and just hold on to moments as tight as I can. And my little godchild Z is growing as well. That little girl we made bakies with now has more make-up than her mother and I combined (and she is quite the expert with it too…I am definitely taking her up on her free makeover offer)! She is an artist up, down and sideways, with music running through her veins. It’s nice to see that she hasn't outgrown sugar spun confections either Domestic Helpe.

We (godchild Z, her mom - best friend K, and I) baked this cake late Sunday afternoon, dividing the batter into three and trying vainly to get three different shades of pink while breathing in the scent of butter and sugar. It was delicious, like our bakies, but different too, like us. We used the recipe I used for little C’s first birthday cake – we divided the batter into three and tinted each batch with a different amount of pink food coloring. The batter was enough for 3 8-inch cake layers. The icing was a simple vanilla frosting we got here. I have to say again what a fantastic party cake this makes – yummy and easy to adapt in terms of theme and appearance. The greatest testament however is the raves it got from K’s husband – when a man raves about a pink cake you know that it’s more than just cute.

Now, speaking of children, and super spun dreams, my beloved blog grows too. After more than 6 years, I’ve finally updated its look and feel! I am still in the process of cleaning up (odd links, a more detailed About Me page, and so forth) but so far I love it! I hope you do too :) It wouldn't have been possible without the awesome talents of Patricia of Fancy Girl Designs. Thank you Patricia! And thanks as well to Dainty Mom, who led me to her.

So here’s to growing up while still keeping those parts that never grow up! To pink cakes and friends! To old things that keep us comforted and new things that make us giddy! Cheers!


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No Name Ninja

